Pine View Astronomy

Friday, April 20, 2007

APOD 4.3

Seven Dusty Sisters

"lovely Pleiades" takes you to a website about the Pleiades.
"blue reflection nebulae" takes you to an APOD entitled "M45: The Pleiades Star Cluster."
"this portrait" takes you to a NASA site where you can find this image.
"infrared light" takes you to a children's website about the cosmos.
"Exploring this" takes you to an entry about the Pleiades.
"brown dwarfs" takes you to an APOD entitled "LP 944-20: A Failed Star Flares."
"debris disks" takes you to an APOD entitled "Debris Disks Surround Distant Suns."
"Look near" takes you to an article about the 7 sisters.

APOD 4.4

"from space" takes you to an APOD entitled "The Earth and Moon from Mars."
"atmosphere" takes you to an Earth observatory site on the atmosphere.
"view looks" takes you to a "VR" (according to Scudder) of the Pantheon.
"ancient Pantheon" takes you to the Wikipedia entry about the Pantheon.
"the intriguing picture" takes you to a larger version of the picture.
"the Pantheon's" takes you to a photo gallery of the Pantheon.
"the Pantheon's" takes you to a philolog of the Pantheon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007



Friday, March 23, 2007

APOD 4.2

"of March 3rd" takes you to a collection of pictures of the Lunar Eclipse.
"Eiffel Tower"takes you to the official Eiffel Tower website.
"tourist destination" takes you to the Google Map of the tower.
"Moon is even more" takes you to the Wikipedia entry about the Moon in art and literature.
"visit" takes you to the Wikipedia entry about the Wallace and Gromet movie A Grand Day Out.
"Apollo 17 mission" takes you to the APOD enrty entitled "Apollo 17: VIP Site Anaglyph."

Friday, March 09, 2007

APOD 4.1

"Earth" takes you to an APOD entitled "Ultraviolet Earth from the Moon."
"Saturn" takes you to the Wikipedia entry about Saturn.
"shadow" takes you to an APOD entry entitled "In the Shadow of Saturn."
"this image mosaic" takes you to planetary journal where you can find this image.
"Cassini spacecraft" takes you to a site that explains the spacecraft's journey to Saturn.
"cloud details" takes you to an APOD entitled "The Swirling Storms of Saturn."
"terminator" takes you to an APOD entitled "Earth at Twilight."

Friday, March 02, 2007

APOD 3.9

"images of M16" takes you to a satellite site with information about this nebula.
"x-ray sources" takes you to the same website as above but with information about x-ray astronomy vs. medical rays.
"Pillars of Creation" takes you to an APOD entitled "M16: Pillars of Creation."
"near" takes you to the same satellite website but with pictures.
"as the Sun" takes you to a website to learn about the mass of the Sun.
"indication" takes you to a website with information about astrophysics and observations in this nebula.
"within" takes you to the same website from above with information about star formation.
"Eagle Nebula" take you to a website on this nebula.

APOD 3.8

"images" takes you to Planetary Journal where you can find the picture.
"Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter" takes you to Wikipedia to learn about the MRC.
"current leading hypothesis" takes you to JPL to read a news update about Mars.
"bleached" takes you to Wikipedia to learn about bleach.
"Earth" takes you to an APOD entitled "Welcome to Planet Earth."
"microbial life" takes you to microbworld to learn about microbes.
"Candor Chasma" takes you to an APOD entitled "Candor and Ophir Chasmata."
"Valles Marineris" takes you to an APOD entitled "Valles Marineris: The Grand Canyon of Mars."
"Mars" takes you to a website on Mars.

Friday, February 16, 2007

APOD 3.7

"The center" takes you to an APOD entitled "Journey to the Center of the Galaxy."
"is hidden" takes you to an APOD entitled "The Milky Way in Stars and Dust."
"this stunning vista" takes you to a site where more pictures of this part of the sky can be found.
"infrared" takes you to a site on infrared astronomy.
"false-color image shows" takes you to a site on the Spitzer.
"galactic center" takes you to an APOD entitled "At the Center of the Milky Way."
"Sagittarius" takes you to a Hawaiian astronomy site about the constellation.

APOD 3.6

"dreamlike" takes you to a gallery of "dreamlike" pictures.
"Alborz Mountain Range" takes you to the Wikipedia entry on the range.
"Betelgeuse" takes you to a description of the star.
"of Orion" takes you to a sky map of Orion.
"Sirius" takes you to a description of the star.
"of Canis Major" takes you to a Hawaiian astronomy site.
"Earth's night" takes you to a site about the brightest stars.
"the Caspian Sea" takes you to a google map of the sea.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Planetary Nebula