Pine View Astronomy

Friday, October 27, 2006

Composite Crab

"Charles Messier's" takes you to a biography on Chales Messier.
"the crab" takes you to a site with a drawing of this Nebula done by Lord Rosse.
"supernova remnant" takes you to the official NASA site with information on supernova remnants.
"This intriguing" takes you to the Chandra site where the picture can be found again.
"Chandra" takes you to the same site as before but with a description of the picture.
"Hubble" takes you to the official Hubble site.
"Spitzer" takes you to the Spitzer Space Telescope site.
"debris cloud" takes you to Chandra with a different picture of the Crab Nebula.
"the Crab Pulsar" takes you to an APOD entitled "Composite Crab" (not the same picture).
"cosmic dynamo" takes you to an APOD entitled "The Crab Nebula in X-Rays."
"constellation Taurus" takes you to a site with details about the constellation of Taurus.

Friday, October 20, 2006

The sliver of a Moon

This morning, on the way to school around 6:50, the moon was just a sliver with the entired outline visible and clearly seen.

Full Moon Crossing

"perigee" takes you to an APOD entitled "Apogee Moon, Perigee Moon."
"moonlight" takes you to the NASA site with information of the "Strange Moon."
"this amazing composite" takes you to the site where the picture can be found.
"in front" takes you to an APOD entitled "Sharp Silhouette."
"the ISS" takes you to an APOD entitled "The International Space Station Expands Again."
"Tycho" takes you to an APOD entitled "Tycho and Copernicus: Lunar Ray Craters."

The Hubble SWEEPS Field

"This crowded star field" takes you to the Hubble site where this same picture is located.
"planets beyond" takes you to a site about alien planets.
"in the field" takes you to the Hubble site where a description of the picture can be found.
"eclipses" takes you to an APOD entitled "In the Shade of a Historic Planet."
"chances" takes you to a diagram from the Hubble site.
"found" takes you to a site about abstract physics.
"hot Jupiters" takes you to the NASA site with an article on an "exotic world."
"Kepler" takes you to a Kepler site with lots of information about the Kepler Mission.
"Earth-sized plantes" takes you to planet quest.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Victoria Crater on Mars

"Victoria Crater" takes you to a Wikipedia entry about the crater.
"goal" takes you to an APOD entry entitled "The Road to Victoria Crater on Mars."
"robotic" takes you to an APOD entry entitled "A Digital Opportunity Rover on Mars."
"Mars" takes you to the Mars entry on the Nine Planets site.
"stadium" takes you to a Wikipedia entry about stadiums.
"deep stack of layers" takes you to an APOD antry entitled "Burns Cliff on Mars."
"above images" takes you to Planerty Photojournal, where the picture is posted again.
"Endurence Crater" takes you to an APOD entry entitled "Endurance Crater on Mars."
"attempt to enter" takes you to to read about the Victoria Crater.