Pine View Astronomy

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Ghostly Tail of Comet SWAN

"Comet SWAN" takes you to a site with a description of many details for the comet.
"ion tail" takes you to an APOD entitled "The Dust and Ion Tails of Comet Hale-Bopp."
"ghostly" takes you to an APOD entitled "Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula."
"ion tail" takes you to a site that explains the different tails of comets.
"solar wind" takes you to a site that describes solar wind.
"magnetic field" takes you to a site that explains magnetic fields.
"tail" takes you to the NASA site where you can learn about comets.
"move outward" takes you to a movie starring the comet.
"carbon monoxide" takes you to Wikipedia where you can read about this combination.
"cyanogen" takes you to Wikipedia to read about this compound.
"above image" takes you to a bigger image of the picture.
"interplanetary snowball" takes you to an APOD entitled "The Tails of Comet NEAT (Q4)."
"SWAN" takes you to a site with lots of pictures of the comet.

Hand Drawn Transit

"The sight" takes you to a site on the transit of Mercury.
"Inspired" takes you to a site with pictures of the transit of Mercury this year.
"entertained" takes you to a site that describes what will been seen from the Transit that has already passed.
"denizens" takes you to Wikipedia with the famous Goerges Seurat painting. I'm not quite sure why.
"1999" takes you to an APOD entitled "Mercury And The Sun."
"2006" takes you to an APOD entitled "Mercury's Transit: An Unusual Spot on the Sun."
"through solar filtered" takes you to a site with pictures from this year's transit of Mercury.
"artist's hand" takes you to a site with M.C. Escher's famous drawing with the hands drawing themselves.
"drawings" takes you to an APOD entitled "Islands in the Photosphere."
"of sunspots" takes you to a website to learn about the history of sunspots.
"transits" takes you to a website with drawings of the transit of Venus.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Circle around the Moon

Last night, the sky was covered in clouds. The moon was so bright that it could be seen through the clouds. Located around the Moon was a large circle. I believe it was created by the light reflecting off the moon into the clouds.

Comet SWAN Outburst

"comet SWAN" takes you to an APOD entitled "Comet SWAN Brightens."
"earlier this week" takes you to a phote gallery of the comet SWAN.
"dramitc changes" takes you to an APOD entitled "SWAN Meets Galaxy."
"coma and tail" takes you to the NASA site where you will find a description of comets.
"find the comet" takes you to skyhound where you can find a chart on where to find the comet this month.
"Look toward" takes you to SkyTonight with an article on the comet SWAN.